
Hot Lady

  • Created:24-03-2023
  • Modified:24-03-2023
  • Total views:20752
  • This month:391
HOT LADY Studio welcomes you with our new, beautiful, kind and available girls! As we attach great importance to your personal health, all our girls go through the necessary medical check-up, so that you always feel safe in our place! Also, on our site you will find a variety of programs, from simple (€40 )even the most sophisticated! Every shift you will find a different girl! For our customers who want to choose a domineering program, there is a showcase of sophisticated accessories, from where they can choose what will peak their sexual pleasure. In all our rooms there are towels (small - large) and disposable slippers, hand sanitizers, perfumes and soap dispensers as well as baskets with toiletries such as cotton buds, hair gel, deodorant and baby wipes and our toilets have a sanitizing hygiene system for your best service.


Contact Info





Phone #1:


show phone
  • Call - +302310542722
  • SMS

SMS & Calls

Frixou 12, Thessaloniki, Greece

working locations

Working Hours:

Monday from 10:00 - 07:00
Tuesday from 10:00 - 07:00
Wednesday from 10:00 - 07:00
Thursday from 10:00 - 07:00
Friday from 10:00 - 07:00
Saturday from 10:00 - 07:00
Sunday from 10:00 - 07:00