
Manila Companion

  • Created:06-03-2017
  • Modified:06-03-2017
  • Total views:26328
  • This month:217

At, we can make those dreams a reality for you and on your own time table. We have a selection of women who possess those exact qualities that you desire most. In fact, these Manila escorts are only a quick phone call or email away from making your wildest dreams come true. Whether you want to book an escort for several weeks in advance or you have the need for that special someone in just a few hours, we are ready to help you find your perfect match. While we believe we offer our clients the most gorgeous girls in the city, we are always happy and excited to work with you to find the exact women to meet your dreams if you want to try something a bit different.


Contact Info

Phone #1:


  • Call - 0926618405
  • SMS

SMS & Calls

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Working locations

Agency Escorts