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Arranged a date with Mika on the Valentines Day weekend during a business trip through Vancouver and it was the best Valentines I have ever had. Her body is amazing. Natural full breasts, supernaturally long and hard nipples, hourglass body, porn star/fashion model quality gorgeous face. She also has a beautiful smile and is smart and funny. Eager to kiss with tongue and gives bare back blowjobs and came on her beautiful face twice with her mouth open and she licked and cleaned my cock with her tongue and her own face with her fingers and swallowed every drop of sperm I shot on her face. She even called herself a "cumslut" when she did it! Sexiest moment of the night for me. Even though we hadn't arranged for anal beforehand, I wanted to fuck her ass and she agreed using just her pussy fluids as lube. She gets super wet and excited and her cunt juices just kept flowing the whole time, which is a sign of how horny and genuine she is. Gave her a tip and additional $50 even though she didn't ask for it because she had been so willing to do anal. Both her cunt and ass are super tight. Worth every penny, and will see her again tonight and guaranteed to look her up again next time I'm in town. Fun to be with over drinks and would love to have dinner with her before fucking her all night next time!
Mika: Thanks for the wonderful date, Calisimp! Look forward to seeing you again next time. 🥰 xoxo Mika